Browse our categories of trompe l'oeil wall decor and find the right design for you. With many styles, sizes and types of hanging and installation to choose from, there are hundreds of design possibilities for every room in the house, as well as your outdoor spaces.
You can choose between three main categories of trompe l'oeil murals: material effects (wood, stone, brick... especially in wallpaper and posters), false windows (especially in paintings) and landscapes with depth illusion (on all wall coverings). Choose a design which takes your fancy. Brick wallpaper in the living room will establish an attractive New York loft style within your flat. A false window looking out over the sea will bring light and spaciousness to a small studio. Finally, a large trompe l'oeil landscape poster is a great way to decorate a small room whilst adding depth and space.
Can I install a trompe l'oeil decoration on an exterior wall?
A Scenolia trompe l'oeil can be hung on an exterior wall to create a beautiful trompe l'oeil effect. There are many ways to create an impressive outdoor design. First of all, ask yourself what sort of feel you want your outdoor space to have and what style of decoration you want to opt for. Scenolia offers many decorative images, giving you a wide choice of effects and styles. You could hang a stone-effect privacy screen on a rough exterior wall, which would exude an industrial, vintage charm. Thanks to your beautiful, new trompe l'oeil decoration, you can enjoy your garden or terrace in peace. Choose between landscapes with views of the horizon, materials such as cane or stone, 3D effect patterns... the choice is yours!